Friday 18 April 2014

Flashman at the Pass

Meanwhile, deep in The Pass, we find Flashman Jr about his cunning business, and possibly accidentally aiding the Crown!

The figure is the Empress Miniatures Charity Figure, "Flashman's Grandson"sculpted by Paul Hicks. He costs £3.00 and I got mine at Salute last Saturday. I see him in many scrapes and adventures in Rhanzlistan in the coming months. Of course he will need a ruthless and merciless adversary! And here he is, the Rajah of Rhanzlistan ~

He's a figure from the Mutineer Miniatures Mutineer Command pack. I was taken by the one Phil painted for my Indian Mutiny collection {See Tales from GHQ blog} and have been looking through Mutineer's single figure boxes at shows here and there for one without any success. At Salute on Saturday I drew a blank again, but then the 'Jolly Jocks' kindly opened a pack and sold me him for £1! Wonderful service chaps and, I hope you'll agree, a super addition to Tales from Rhanzlistan!