Tuesday 24 September 2013


...some additional personalities into the 'back story' and for the more 'Pulp-style' skirmishes in Rhanzlistan. Firstly Mohammed Imran Waziri , the Jakzi of Jimbai, uncle to Prince Kasim, who governs the Bhurpas tribes in the 'enforced' absence of his young nephew as a 'guest' in Sir Godfrey Godalming's Residency in Byklabad ~

The Jakzi is a Mutineer Miniatures figure and his ageing adviser {and pots} are from Foundry. I got them all at Colours browsing through the boxes of singles at Mutineer's and Dave Thomas' stand. Oh, I do miss buying single figures if I'm honest...
Next up, two Memsahibs, from Copplestone Castings' Female Archaeologists. On the right, Dorothy Godalming, sister of the redoubtable Sir Godfrey, and her companion, Edith Marsden, a rather down at heel Gentlewoman with few prospects...

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