Wednesday 13 November 2013

Gals with Guns; Goats; Yetis...and Jats

Phil and I are hoping to get in another Back of Beyond game set in our imaginary world of the Rhanzlistan Field Force before the end of the month, and so I've been adding a few bits and bobs to my collection to enhance the look of the game a little. I've also been working on a few single items to use in the Pulp Adventures related games next year. First up, a more active representation of Dorothy Godalming and Edith Marsden. They are from the Copplestone Castings 'Female Archeologists' set ~

From Empress Miniatures some goats, and a donkey. Yes, I know I need more goats for a flock, but we have to buy what we can as Christmas approaches. I hope to get another pack at Warfare on Sunday! I painted them by the simple expedient of an ink wash and a light dry brush and I think "they'll do"!

From Pulp Miniatures two Yetis, to be 'discovered' by the RGS Expedition to Rhanzlistan perhaps next year? Matt painted one and I painted the other. Can you guess which is which? I've rebased them on MDF to fit in with the rest of my collection.

Finally, from Copplestone Castings again, I've added another Indian Infantry regiment, the Muslim troops set who will do service in Rhanzlistan as the 'Jalfreezi Rifles', a fictional Jat regiment. Not the most interesting figures I've ever painted to be honest. {I have a similar set waiting of Punjabi troops, the famed 'Loyal Tandooris'! I've put those back to next month, I can't face the same figures, with a different head, straight away!!!}

I used the same colour scheme as in the earlier Mountain Battery post as I liked the end result, but added a second highlight on the turban and haversack just to bring up the figures a bit. They should be in action towards the end of the month, so pop back from time to time to look for the 'Breakout from Jimbai'!

1 comment:

  1. Very tasty, although BoB would appear to be a dead "period" as little or no comments. It's not a surprise that Mr. C adds little to the range these days.
