Monday 27 October 2014

The Life and Times of Herbert Hardly-Standing VC, No1

Inspired by a thread on the Loose Association of Wargamers forum, a scene of daring do from the NW Frontier: Herbert Hardly-Standing saves the brigadier's life, again, from the unwelcome attentions of three swarthy Bhurpa warriors ~

The Bhurpas are from Britannia/Grubby Tanks, Herbert Hardly-Standing is a Copplestone figure and the Brigadier is from Pulp Figures. On a different note I've added something to the baggage and backstory theme of our games, a unit of RAMC on the move ~

The mules are from Askari, a firm from the USA who I've not seen before, while the casualty is from Redoubt's Zulu War range and the two Medics are from Pulp Figures. I thought the mules were poor sculpts but as they were a gift I'm not complaining! They are from the French Foreign Legion set I believe. The Redoubt casualty figure is obviously too large for the stretcher I've put him on, but I can live with that. I'm working on a mule born radio team now though,so hope that will appear here in due course.


  1. Jolly nice additions to the campaign old bean. Tally ho!

    1. A comment at last! Was wondering if anyone had seen this at all...

  2. Ok, a second comment : very nice job, love the beautiful second picture, great looking vignette!

    1. Thanks, Phil! Feedback always welcome! Glad you liked the ambulance mule set.

  3. Occasionally I've visited the askari site as they do offer some niche figures, but they do always seem rather rough so never purchased

  4. Another great vignette! I’ve painted lots of Askari Minis over the years. There are some hidden gems, he makes the best limbers and awesome artillery.
