The occasional exploits of Brigadier 'Tubby' Bykleigh and the Rhanzlistan Field Force

Monday 12 September 2016

On the Road to Rhanzlstan

Well, having taken delivery of the mountain terrain from Phil last Monday, deciding on today's game was a no brainer! Our game sees 'Robinson Force', a detached element of the Rhanzlistan Field Force, pitted against the dastardly Bhykli Khan, chief of chiefs amongst the Bhurpas of Rhanzlistan, who has been roused to open rebellion by the promise of gold from the Russian embassy to the tribes! Catching news of the uprising from native spies, Brigadie Bykleigh has dispatched a force to chastise the Bhurpas, yet again...

Robinson Force enters the table from the southern end and must force a crossing of the river in one of two spots in order to engage the natives. The armoured car, supported by Aston's Scouts force the village meeting little opposition, while the Gurkhas, supported by the South Staffords and the Jalfrezi Rifles attack along the western banks of the river.

The Machine Gun detachment advances on the Force's left flank to provide suppressing fire when the Bhurpas show themselves.

The armoured car forces a passage of the village, coming under long range mortar fire from Bhurpas somewhere in the hills up ahead, while Aston's Scouts offer close support if needed.

Without wavering the Gurkhas advance swiftly on the bridge, determined to carry their objective whatever the opposition might be.

As Robinson Force gathers for the assault the Bhurpas reveal themselves amongst the rocky heights and in the ruins of an ancient village. They seem to be supported by a motley crowd of Russian adventurers and ner do wells! They pour down fire on the armoured car and the Scouts, rather foolishly ignoring the Gurkha threat!

While the Russians are alert to the growing threat to the bridge, the Bhurpas seem happy to continue to engage the armoured car and the Scouts!

At a crucial phase in the action the draw of the Bolt Action dice favours Robinson Force and the Gurkhas charge across the bridge taking only one casualty and defeat the first of the defenders in a bloody melee!

Surviving flanking fire from the remaining Bhurpas and supported by the South Staffords the Gurkhas go on to clear the village. Their bold attack unsettles the remaining natives, as does the incessant machine gun fire from the left flank and the accurate fire of the mountain gun battery!

The bravery and example of the Gurkhas serves to encourage the Scouts and they advance at the trot to put any surviving Bhurpas to the sword!

At this stage Bhurpa resistance is almost wiped out, just the mortar crew and the Russian mercenaries are left in action. Its all up for Bhykli Khan he realises!

As the Scouts advance briskly up the lower slopes, the mortar crew and the mercenary Russians melt away into the upper slopes of the mountains of Rhanzlistan...leaving Bhykli Khan to contemplate his errors.

For those who like to know these things we used Bolt Action version 1 for the rules, adding a preliminary turn for Robinson Force to enter the table. We played over the usual six turns, though it was all up for the Bhurpas in Turn 5 as you've seen above! Though thoroughly chastised on this occasion there is no doubt that the Bhurpas will rise again or that the marauding forces of S.P.I.F.F. will once again test the metal of Brigadier Bykleigh and the Rhanzlistan Field Force over the coming months.


  1. A grand game and one of my cunning plans came together, surprisingly. The mountains do look rather splendid in situ, a inspired purchase there Mr. B, I shall look forward to taking the to the field in their shadow again at some point, will I win again? I have Bob Hope probably (see what I did there)

    1. Glad you enjoyed the game! As to the joke; I'd get my coat if I were you.

  2. A brilliant addition to your already amazing tables!

  3. What a beautiful and atmospheric terrain!!

    1. Thank you for those effusive comments, Phil.

  4. Now that's a proper mountain, far better than a couple of books under a cloth :-)

    1. I agree Stuart, but needs must sometimes, so let's not look down on book-mountains.

  5. Lovely looking game, the mountain did well on its first outing! All the scenery looks great as does the figures.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you for the encouraging comments Iain.

  6. Very lovely battlereport :) I´ve enjoyed ist. Thanks :D

  7. I'm a late comer to your blog and have read the whole way through from beginning to end over the last two days. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself.
    Thank you.

    1. You are most welcome to Rhanzlistan Nobby!

  8. Most evocative.
    "There's a little yellow idol
    To the north of Kathmadu
    There's a little marble cross below the town
    Where a brokenhearted woman
    Tends the grave of 'Mad' Carew
    And the yellow god forever gazes down"

    Romance, eh?

    1. The game is all in the mind really, it’s where the story comes alive for me.
