Tuesday 26 September 2017

The Old Red Fort...

...or at least it will be red when it's finished! I'm taking a break from figure painting for a couple of days and adding a new terrain piece to the collection for use in our next Rhanzlistan game next month. It's a Supreme Littleness MDF kit which I bought on impulse at Claymore in August. After assembling the kit and leaving the glue to harden overnight I've textured all the building's surfaces with Basetex and the groundwork with my usual basing grit mix. I've added rubble, rocks, bricks and such to bring the whole up. I've also built a small well from rock pieces in the courtyard of the ruin. I'll build a wooden cover for the well later on and add some pots and such from the bits box. Here it is as it stands at present anyway ~

The rubble on the right is the punched out MDF pieces from the various lug holes and window features.
The metal rocks are from a Craft Store via Kevin!

I've added the ladder detail from my spares box. The trapdoor is simply the MDF punched out piece from the access hole to the roof.

The well in the foreground is made from rock pieces glued in place layer by layer. More Craft Store metal rock pieces filling the void in the wall as rubble. It all needs to harden off overnight now before I can start on painting it, red of course!


  1. Looking good, a Tower made for a look out post as the hordes of natives charge forward. Needs to be red though 🙂

    1. Oh, it will certainly be RED next month :~)


    2. It will be red tomorrow all being well.
