Sunday 27 October 2019

Forward the Rhanzlistan Field Force!

On Tuesday next week Phil and I have scheduled a return to action in Rhanzlistan. The scenario sees the much vaunted SPIFF with their backs to the high peaks under attack by the RFF. Due to the usual treacherous behaviour of the Bhurpas General Robinski has got wind of the impending assault and has ordered his men to dig in, buying time to evacuate his I'll gotten gains over the mountains and away. To whet your appetite for the action I've taken a few pictures of the initial deployment of the RFF ~
The RFF's opening position

Brigadier Bykleigh confers with his staff.

The RFA cover the attack.

Governor Godalming and his party.

"What do you mean, there's no reception?"

The mountain battery is on the move.

The Gordons step off smartly!

On the left the Tandoori Horse cover the advance.
If you are interested, pop back later next week to see how the action unfolded.