Tuesday 23 July 2024

Robinski came down like a wolf on the fold...

Continuing with the subcontinent theme for games here in GHQ while I am inconvenienced by my foot injury Phil and I unexpectedly decided on a return to the Rhanzlistan campaign which we both thought had run it's natural course. Our game therefore sees the opening of a second campaign in the far flung reaches of the Empire, otherwise the fictional Rhanzlistan; home of the legendary warrior tribe of Bhurpas, policed for the King-Emperor by Brigadier 'Tubby' Bykleigh and the Rhanzlistan Field Force, constantly threatened by the shenanigans of Comrade General Robinski and his red hordes. In this first game Robinski has news of a tax gathering expedition in the foothills and determines to extract his share with the help, or otherwise, of the F.A.R.T.S. ~ the Foreign Auxiliary (Rhanzlistan Tribal Section)! The rules are loosely Bolt Action V2. So, on to the action via the usual annotated photomontage ~

The peaceful village of Phalanjees in the foothills of the Rhanzlistan Ranges has been the focus of Brigadier 'Tubby' Bykleigh's most recent posting as escort for the annual Tax Collection from the 'willing' Bhurpas. The game opens with the Tax Collection and escort leaving the village and heading south.
Escorted by Aston's Scouts, the  Royal Tandoori Rifles and mounted Bhurpas the camels carrying the hard won taxes seem safe as houses!
Away to the west enemy activity has been reported. The 'enthusiastic' F.A.R.T.S. press forward on Phalanjees ever mindful of their Soviet allies with fixed bayonets in close support.
Meanwhile Robinski finds himself still enjoying the comforts of his camp, serenaded by Comrade Natasha!
Despite their leader's tardy approach the Red infantry, with the Siberian Riflemen in the van, is making good progress and is advancing rapidly on the ruins of a small farmstead.
Already early in proceedings the run of dice is not being kind to Bykleigh's plan of action, rendering it closer to inaction.
A number of villagers have been pressed into Imperial service as cannon fodder. They must realise their fate as they are reluctant to commit, preferring the local entertainment of the fire walking fakir.
At last Robinski tears himself away from Natasha and arrives at the scene of the enfolding action to oversee his forces 
The F.A.R.T.S. continue to be 'encouraged' in their advance on the exposed western flank of Bykleigh's force.
Supported by a horde of Cossacks the Siberian Riflemen occupy part of the ruined farmstead. More Red infantry is advancing in their support too.
The Jaxzi leads forward the contingent of mounted Bhurpas warriors confident of dislodging the unbelievers!
Bykleigh oversees the Imperial dispositions: Aston's Scouts, the Royal Tandoori Rifles and the Jalfrezis make a proud showing of the King Emperor's might.
Away on the far right of his position Bykleigh's Gurkhas have made heavy going in their attempt to flank the Reds. Their supporting Bhurpas are far behind, just when they will be needed too!
Concerned already by adverse developments to his front and left Bykleigh orders the Tax Collector's party into the cover of a stand of tall trees 
Not a moment too soon either as the mounted Bhurpas are bested by the wild Cossacks and flee away!
The Cossacks, mad with the blood of their defeated dies, crash into the Royal Tandoori Rifles. The infantry cannot get off an effective volley having moved and are swiftly despatched by the Cossacks!
More Reds occupy the remains of the farmstead threatening the left of any Imperial advance. Things are not looking good for the safe delivery of this year's tax revenue...
Desperate measures are called for to stem the Reds' advance. Aston's Scouts lower their lances and crash into the exhausted Cossacks.
The Scouts carry the day, but at great cost to their number. Supported only by the Jalfrezis they now face the combined fire of several Red infantry formations.
Despite their tardy native supports Major Hardly-Standin VC leads his Gurkhas against the leading F.A.R.T.S.
Despite his valiant efforts the remaining F.A.R.T.S. and the Red 'supports' have reached the high ground overlooking Bykleigh's route out of Phalanjees. The Imperial treasury may not see this year's tax revenue he fears 
Too late the 'loyal' Bhurpas reach the Gurkhas' position just as the last men fall for the last time.
The situation is dire and Bykleigh orders a general retreat of the survivors back into the village of Phalanjees. It may be he can hold out there until the arrival of relief under Colonel Horace Utterly-Barking...
A splendid eventful game played in great spirits by both sides, punctuated by some terrible runs of Bolt Action dice for both sides and some devastating outcomes to combat or firefights again for both sides. In the end Bykleigh saw his plans fail due to overambitious manoeuvres and lack of cooperation from many of the villagers and the 'loyal' Bhurpas. For the Reds and Robinski the debut of the F.A.R.T.S. was a real bonus. But, can be get his hands on the tax revenue...?


  1. A most splendid and enjoyable game of derring do. However Comrades don't get taken in by the Imperialist propaganda the tax would have been returned to the people with a small renumeration to protect them from further Imperialist oppression.🚩

    1. A likely story! Glad you enjoyed the game, though I was well out fought today, again...☹️

  2. Cracking looking game and looks like a fun one too!

    1. Many thanks Donnie, much appreciated! It would have been more fun if I had played better!

  3. Poor Ranzlistan. Great Game chapters continue to visit the land.

    1. It seems the Great Game will trundle on. We await the relief force under old Utterly-Barking!

  4. Simply splendid stuff there David! The character and unit names had me chuckling as I like this sort of thing in my games if at all possible. First time here on this Blog, so shall enjoy perusing your previous posts and hope to see more from this current campaign. Hope you toe heals quickly...

    1. Glad it tickled your fancy SteveJ! I hope you enjoy browsing the blog.

  5. What’s not to love….great figures and wonderful narrative wargaming. I wonder if there is a province close by Rhanzlistan ? I may make a visit 🤔

  6. Thank you for effusive endorsement Matt! I'm sure there are many Provinces awaiting discovery, Penrythawar perhaps?

  7. A fine looking game there gentlemen, and a very entertaining narrative to go along! Once again, a lovely collection of figures. Were you using the "Tiffin" dice to vary turn length?

    1. Thanks Paul, always nice to know that my efforts are appreciated. No Tiffin dice this time, rather a dedicated CinC dice for each side to randomise their influence.

  8. An enjoyable rip roaring tale of daring do David…
    Love all the characterful names…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Glad you were entertained. I see a role for one Lt Morrison, inventor of the waterproof kilt perhaps?
