The scenario I devised was a three handed game for two players. The R.F.F. - the God Guys you recall - had a force of 7 units to pick from their complement, the S.P.I.F.F. - the Bad Guys of course - a force of 8 units from theirs, while there were 6 units of Bhurpa warriors. All three forces had the same objective, namely to seize military supplies left behind in the ruins of an old village and fort. The Bhurpas were activated by their own dice and controlled by whichever of the other two sides had drawn the previous dice for their force. If the Bhurpa dice was drawn out first in any turn it was disguarded. Thus either side could utilise the Bhurpas in their own support, to thwart the enemy's ambitions, or just seize the supplies for the Bhurpas themselves if that was the best choice to hobble the enemy. In addition to these dice, their was a red 'End of Turn' dice, whose title describes its function in the game of course. The game length was set at 12 Turns before nightfall was declared and the game concluded. Now, as ever, as series of pictures and captions to capture the essence of the struggle for any interested passersby ~
Hardly-Standin oversees the arrival of the advanced guard of
the Rhanzlistan Field Force in Turn 1.
Comrade Colonel Corbinski ushers the first of the S.P.I.F.F.
along the road.
The draw of the dice sees the Bhurpas on the move towards
the Soviet incursion on their homeland.
The Bhurpas seize the low hills to the Soviet's left flank and
wait in ambush!
Lead by their Prophet, Mustapha Leake, the fanatics break from
cover of the low hills and charge the Siberian Rifles! Cries of
"Allah Akbah!" rent the air!
Not the best of outcomes for the Bhurpas! The Siberians see
them off in a brisk combat!
Hardly-Standin's command moves forward to occupy the ruins
at the edge of the village.
More of the S.P.I.F.F. moves to their left flank in an attempt to
deter any further aggression from the troublesome Bhurpas.
The run of the random dice controlling the Bhurpas swings
ever more to favour the S.P.I.F.F. and bands of warriors surge
towards the lower river crossing on the R.F.F.'s right flank.
The Tandoori Rifles occupy the ruins in support of the
armoured car's advance on the bridge crossing the river.
In the meantime, the forces of the S.P.I.F.F. are massing for an
attack on the ruins of the Red Fort.
A band of fanatical Bhurpa warriors have rushed the bridge in
a bid to seize the cases of rifles and ammunition in the Red
I do hope it will not be so long this time before we return to Rhanzlistan and the ongoing tales of daring do which take place amongst its mountains, valleys and villages...